Carl Benjamin, AKA Sargon Of Akkad

Carl Benjamin, AKA Sargon Of Akkad

Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon Of Akkad is a political commentator, free speech advocate and Classical Liberal.

Benjamin rose to prominence in the Youtube community during the 2014 Gamergate Controversy. Internet wiki Knowyourmeme defines Gamergate as follows:

GamerGate refers to the online backlash against perceived breaches of journalistic integrity on video game news sites that occurred as a result of the Quinnspiracy, an online controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn’s alleged affairs with a number of men working in the video game industry, including Kotaku staff writer Nathan Grayson.

The term has also since been used to describe the group of internet users, based mainly on Twitter, who claim that there is a lack of transparency within the video game journalism industry.

These same people have also been criticized of practicing misogyny and sexism by many, through harassment and trolling, referring to their opposition as social justice warriors.


Benjamin started making videos in support of the ‘Gamergaters’, stating his opinion that the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) were actively plotting to influence video games to conform to what Benjamin calls an “ideological feminist agenda”. Benjamin also stated that the research produced by DiGRA was “sloppy, unprofessional and absolutely overrun by people who have an ideological agenda that they simply cannot leave out of their research”

In years since, Benjamin has made videos regarding a variety of topics such as GamergateFeminism and The 2016 Presidential Election. Benjamin also has a weekly news series, This Week In Stupid, in which he showcases news from around the world, typically regarding international stories or stories regarding “Identity Politics”.

Benjamin has also recently become a member of UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party. This move, seen initially as a bit of humor between Benjamin and fellow youtuber Markus Meechan, has become an unironic step into the true political field for both men. They have even ventured to the European Union to help make the case against the controversial Article 13. (here is Meechan’s vlog of the trip)

Benjamin identifies as a “Classical Liberal”, a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. However, he has been labelled as “Alt-Right” by many left-wing groups such as Antifa, who have intruded on Benjamin’s speaking events, pulling fire alarms and causing disruptions. Due to this, Benjamin occasionally has trouble booking venues, due to the concern from the venue that such interruptions may occur and people may be injured.

Benjamin’s career has been occasionally marked with controversy, which should not be surprising in the internet politosphere. His above critiques and arguments for Gamergate warranted him attention from the anti-gamergate community, and in the years since he has drawn the ire of “Social Justice Warriors”, feminists and the Alt-Right for his criticisms of each group.

At VidCon 2017, Benjamin was singled out in the crowd at a panel hosted by feminist icon Anita Sarkeesian, who he had criticized in previous videos. Sarkeesian claimed that Benjamin was a “garbage person” and Benjamin was escorted out of the room. Benjamin’s side of this event is in this video.

Benjamin has been featured on talk shows such as The Rubin Report (Three Separate Times!), the Joe Rogan Experience, and regularly livestreams from his alternate channel, Sargon Of Akkad Live.

Benjamin’s other channels are Ancient Recitations, where Benjamin reads excerpts from various historical sources and The Thinkery, which is where Benjamin posts miscellaneous other videos that don’t make the cut of the main channel and are typically more humorous in general.

So that’s Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon Of Akkad. He’s a political commentator, Classical Liberal and speaker.


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